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Below is a list of caseload skills/competencies that Lesley can demonstrate.

Organisation of caseload
Competence 1: Lesley can demonstrate effective and efficient management of her caseload
1. Shows independent use of diary
2. Can plan weekly schedule
3. Is able to collect any equipment
4. Is able to locate patient houses

Competence 2  : Lesley can complete relevant documentation
1 .Is able to write appropriate notes
2. Is able to effectively liaise with professional team members via email and phone
3. Understand the role of the RA notes within the litigation process
4. Understands the process for RA notes prior to disclosure
5. Understands the purpose of a witness statement
6. Able to send invoices to clients, case managers

Other competencies areĀ here

An associate member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, I am proud to adhere to their standards and ethos.
